
Showing posts with the label How to customize your blog?

How to customize your blog in Blogger?

How to customize your blog in Blogger? |2021| Before starting, if you want to know about Blog or Blogging, then read: What is a Blog and Blogging in Hindi? In my previous post (How to Create a Blog in Blogger?) I told you about creating a blog, now we go a step ahead of that, so today I want to tell you about Blog Customization , what happens?  And how you can customize your blog according to yourself.  So first of all we know that. What is Blog Customization? Decorating the blog according to your own style is called Blog Customization.  By decorating, I mean here, whenever a reader or viewer comes to your blog, then decorate or design according to your view of your blog. Why is blog customization necessary? This is important so that your blog looks good and at the same time a good looking blog is liked by the audience more and it increases the chances of increasing traffic on your blog.  Viewers do not like a dull looking blog and soon become bored and leave the blog. To create good t