How to customize your blog in Blogger?

How to customize your blog in Blogger? |2021|

Before starting, if you want to know about Blog or Blogging, then read: What is a Blog and Blogging in Hindi?

How to customize your blog in Blogger?

In my previous post (How to Create a Blog in Blogger?) I told you about creating a blog, now we go a step ahead of that, so today I want to tell you about Blog Customization, what happens?  And how you can customize your blog according to yourself.  So first of all we know that.

What is Blog Customization?

Decorating the blog according to your own style is called Blog Customization.  By decorating, I mean here, whenever a reader or viewer comes to your blog, then decorate or design according to your view of your blog.

Why is blog customization necessary?

This is important so that your blog looks good and at the same time a good looking blog is liked by the audience more and it increases the chances of increasing traffic on your blog.  Viewers do not like a dull looking blog and soon become bored and leave the blog.

To create good traffic, a lot of things are done in a blog such as Content, SEO etc.  But along with all these things, it is also important to have a good look of your blog or website, in which colors, fonts, backgrounds, themes etc.  It has been used well so that visitors are attracted to your blog and want to visit your blog again and again.

What can you customize in Blog?

There can be many things in the blog to customize such as ....

  • Header: This is the name of your blog or website, you can customize it according to your own.
  • Footer: As the name suggests, this is the bottom of your blog.  You can also put your blog navigation links here so that your visitors can search the content on your blog well.  Basically Attribution is added to Footer i.e. information related to copyright.
  • Sidebars: This can be on the left or right side of the main content of your blog.  In this you can find Categories, Blogroll, Labels, widgets, pages etc.  Can add.
  • Favicon: This is a small 16X16 pixels logo that is before your blog's name in your Browser Tabs.  For more information about this or to apply Favicon in your blog, read: How to Create a Custom Favicon in Hindi?
  • Fonts: In simple words, the writing of the content written in the blog is called Fonts. Just as your handwriting can be called your fonts, in the same way computer has many different style fonts.  I will tell you in my next post how you can use different types of fonts in your blog.
  • Colors: You can also use many colors to make your blog look good.  You Header, Blogpost Titles, Widget Titles etc.  You can use different colors.
  • Themes: You can use many types of themes or templates in your blog.  You will find many types of templates in Blogger itself, but you can also use custom templates.  How you can add Custom Templates to your blog, I will tell you in my upcoming posts.

Come, now we know how you can customize them all from your Blogger Dashboard.

How to add Templates?

To apply templates, click on the Template option from your Blogger Dashboard.  Now you will see many types of templates.  Now choose a Template according to your need from them.  Now click on the Customize option to customize the selected Template.  Now your Blogger Template Designer will open up to you.  See the picture below ...

In this, you will get many options for designing your blog such as…

  • Templates: In this you will find many types of templates which have been provided by Blogger.  With the help of these templates, you can give the desired look to your blog.
  • Background: With this option you can change the background of your blog according to your mind, whether you can use a color or images can also be used for the background.
  • Adjust Widths: With this option you can adjust the width of your Main Content and Area with Sidebars.
  • Layout: In this option you can change the layout of your blog, such as which sidebars will appear on which side of your main content area.
  • Advanced: In this option you get the opportunity to design many of the widgets of your blog.  Such as Fonts, Header, Titles, Backgrounds etc.

To know about these options in detail, you
will have to wait for my next Blogpost.
How you can use Google Web Fonts in your blog.

  • How You Can Install Custom Templates
  • How you can make Header and many more

Tuts, I will make available in my upcoming posts.


Before starting, if you want to know about Blog or Blogging, then read: What is a Blog and Blogging in Hindi? In my previous post (How to Create a Blog in Blogger?) I told you about creating a blog, now we go a step ahead of that, so today I want to tell you about Blog Customization, what happens? This is important so that your blog looks good and at the same time a good looking blog is liked by the audience more and it increases the chances of increasing traffic on your blog.

If you want any more information about this, then do not forget to comment.



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